Miran Jarc Library, Novo mesto

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Knjižnica Mirana Jarca, Novo mesto
Rozmanova ulica 28, SI-8000 Novo mesto
Phone386 (0) 7 393 4674
Past events

Miran Jarc Library in Novo mesto functions as the regional library for South East Slovenia. The library was founded in 1946 as a regional study library and currently operates both as a traditional library and as a multimedia information and cultural centre of the region. The 1,733 square-metre library houses a 70-seat reading room and is visited by around 373,000 users a year. It comprises several branches: Šentjernej, Škocjan, Straža, Dvor, and Dolenjske Toplice libraries and a mobile library. The regional library is the seat of the Library Association of Dolenjska.

Activities and collection

The library is organised into several departments for specific users, such as the study department for educational purposes, which features expert literature, textbooks, audio-visual material and travel books. In addition to books, the adult readers department holds various cultural events, lectures, exhibitions, book club meetings, and prepares reading lists. Children and young people can take advantage of the rich collection of books, comics and magazines. The library organises a number of events for children, among them storytelling hours, workshops and other activities in connection with reading. It also participates in and organises international projects and professional meetings on library science.

The library's special collections hold more than 100,000 items of rare and valuable materials, manuscripts, books, first and special editions, pictures, photographs, postcards, pamphlets, maps, etc. Of significance here are Jurij Dalmatin' translation of the Bible, Janez Vajkard Valvasor's The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola, and the manuscript legacy of renowned Slovene writer Slavko Grum.

See also

External links